
Change is Bold tackles significant issues that impact society in transformative ways. We work hard every day to make the World a better place, and help individuals and communities achieve their goals by developing strategies and coalitions that lead to unprecedented outcomes and results.

The team at Change is Bold has worked tireless in every facet of industry (e.g., corporate, non-profit, academia) to tackle challenges in education, public health, social-emotional health, and overall resiliency and well-being. We have identified the gaps in the systems and aim to disrupt traditional approaches in the interests of elevated social impact and community well-being.

In so many instances, and over decades, the same issues continue to prevail:

• Nimble entrepreneurial efforts are typically what changes and transforms industries, yet they are noticeably absent from the social impact arena.
• Incredible sums of money are spent without acceptable movement of the needle.
• Popularity and status-quo often beat out effectiveness when it comes to solutions and deployment of programs.

Therefore, we have set out a journey to disrupt the approach, set the bar higher and be fiercely committed to scalability and sustainability.